Infographic: Declarative Process Model with Declare Language
Declarative Process Model with Declare Language One of the main declarative languages is Declare. In contrast to the traditional approach which explicitly specifies the activities which are allowed, Declare defines constraints. These constraints of the activities a process must [...]
Infographic: What Is Declarative Process Mining
What Is Declarative Process Mining Traditional business process modeling notations, follow an imperative approach where the model defines all allowed steps: Every step that is not specified is disallowed. Recent streams of research suppose an approach which offers more [...]
Presentation: Declarative Process Mining with MINERful
Presentation: Declarative Process Mining with MINERful Automated Discovery of Declarative Process Models from Claudio Di Ciccio More Information If you want to get more information you can see the research papers or you can download MINERful on [...]
Presentation: Declarative Process Mining – Redundancies and Inconsistencies
Declarative process mining: Getting rid of redundancies and inconsistencies: Resolving Inconsistencies and Redundancies in Declarative Process Models from Claudio Di Ciccio More information? Donec dictum leo non nibh cursus consectetur. Mauris pulvinar pretium rutrum. Vestibulum ante ipsum [...]
Infographic: Why Declarative Process Modeling
Why Declarative Process Modeling Recent streams of research address the benefits of using declarative process models over traditional imperative process models. In contrast to the imperative approach, which is known for its limitations in flexibility, the declarative approach provides [...]