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Mine Declarative Processes

MINERful is a software engine for discovering declarative control flows out of event logs with a two-phase algorithm.

Knowledge Base MINERful

Build the Knowledge Base

The first phase builds a knowledge base, where statistical information extracted from logs is represented.

Algorithm MINERful

Evaluate the Knowledge Base

During the second phase, queries are evaluated on that knowledge base, in order to infer the constraints that constitute the discovered process.

Minerful Mockup Screenshot

What is MINERful?

MINERful is a fast process mining tool for discovering declarative process models out of event logs.

Event logs can be either real or synthetic, stored as XES files or text documents with strings (every character is considered as an event, every line as a trace). Among the other things, MINERful can also create synthetic logs and export them as XES or MXML files, simplify existing Declare models, and import/export models written in JSON or in the ConDec native language.

Simply play around with it!

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Further information

Information 1 MINERful

What Is Declarative Process Mining

Traditional business process modeling notations, follow an imperative approach where the model defines all allowed steps: Every step that is not specified is disallowed.

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Why Declarative Process Modeling

Recent streams of research address the benefits of using declarative process models over traditional imperative process models. In contrast to the imperative approach, which is known for its limitations …

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Presentation MINERful

Declarative Process Mining with MINERful

Recent streams of research address the benefits of using declarative process models over traditional imperative process models. Traditional business process modeling notations, follow an imperative approach …

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MINERful: Declarative process discovery engine

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Research Papers